K9 Kampus K9 Kampus

Boarding Forms

Thank you for reserving yourboard stay with K9 Kampus!  We are looking forward to spending time and having fun with your furry family member.

To make the drop-off process much easier and faster for you we have provided you with this link to complete the documents that are required for boarding ahead of time.

Please complete the boarding Agreement and food/contact form and if you asking K9 Kampus to administer and medication please fill out the medications waiver. If you have a dog with any serious (non contagious) medical condition or if your dog is over the age of 10 years old please complete the Rainbow Procedure form too.

Thank you for completing these forms in advance.

Step 1:  Boarding Agreement

 Boarding agreement needs to be completed for every board stay. Please click the button below

Boarding Agreement

Boarding Information

Boarding Rainbow Procedure

Medication Administration Disclosure & Waiver

Step 2:  Boarding Information Form

The Boarding Information forms allows you to provide feeding instructions, medication instructions and update contact and veterinarian information.

 Please click the button below

Step 3: Medication Administration Disclosure and Waiver Form

If there are no medications to be given to your pet during this stay, skip this step.

If you are requesting K9 Kampus to administer any owner provided medications during this board stay you are required to complete the Medication Administration Disclosure and Waiver Form.  

Please click the button below.

Step 4:  Boarding Rainbow Procedure

If your pet is NOT over the age of 10 and does NOT have any serious medical conditions, skip this step.

(Unless you have a large breed dog over the age of 8 years old that has breed related issues (i.e. Great Danes)

This is a form that we personally do not enjoy having our clients fill out, but it is necessary and can be a blessing in extremely rare incidences.

For Example: A long time client was getting married and needed to board their 14 year old dog  during their destination wedding/honeymoon.   They knew their fur baby was deteriorating and there was a good chance that he would not last very much longer. Faced with a difficult decision they decided to board with K9 Kampus knowing that he would be loved and cared for while they were gone.

By having this form completed they knew their wishes in the event he passed while they were gone would be followed and they didn’t have to worry one way or another. They also knew that there was nothing they could do while they were away, so they opted not to be notified if he did pass until they returned so they could enjoy their wedding and honeymoon.

In this scenario their dog did not pass and they were able to enjoy the rest of the year as a married couple with their fur baby by their side. However, this form gave them peace of mind while they were away.

Please click the button below