K9 Kampus K9 Kampus Hurricane Seminar

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We have scheduled a Free Pet Hurricane Preparedness Seminar for Saturday July 9th, 2011 at 2pm. Space will be limited so you will have to reserve your place. If the seminar fills up quickly we will schedule an additional seminar. We will have updated information on our website about the event. This seminar will provide general information for preparation for you and your dog in the event of  a hurricane, evacuation or emergency boarding with K9 Kampus.

If you have to evacuate for a hurricane and you can not take your pets with you, it is important to have an evacuation plan and be prepared. K9 Kampus will be an evacuation shelter for your animals but space is limited. We don’t want to have to turn anyone away so be sure we have all your animals registered in our system, this includes small animal breeds such as rabbits, birds, hamsters, etc. Make sure all your vaccinations are up to date and in our system (we can not let any animal enter our facility without updated records in hand). This seminar will provide you with all the information you need on evacuating your pets to K9 Kampus.


Saturday July 9th 2011 was the very first K9 Kampus Hurricane Preparedness Seminar!  Lacie Davis from Brevard County Emergency Management presented on behalf of the county and provided very valuable information for being pet prepared and information on evacuation.

Sherry, owner of K9 Kampus presented on what to expect if you to board your animals at K9 Kampus in the event of a Hurricane for both current clients and those not currently enrolled with K9 Kampus.

We are happy to say that we received great feedback on the seminar and plan on offering more in the future.

We recommend going to the Brevard County Emergency Management website and creating a Family Emergency Plan at www.embrevard.com. It is a great tool that allows you to enter your pertinent family information and it provides a detailed plan and supplies list.

See below for website information and K9 Kampus specific information Top

Click here to to to the Brevard County Disaster Planning Tool www.embrevard.com

Click below on the items that interest you.

This is what the first page of your disaster plan will look like

K9 Kampus Hurricane Preparedness Brochure

K9 Kampus Hurricane Powerpoint Presentation

Pet Grab-N-Go kits are great for anytime you have to travel but serve as a vital took in case of emergencies.

K9 Kampus will be submitting an order soon. Call to pre-order and save shipping fees.




